Change Weather

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MageSpells ● Change Weather
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Forces ●●●●
Instant None
Covert Patterning
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.172
FC : Rainmaker
The Mysterium : Raindance
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The mage alters weather patterns, bringing almost any sort of normal (non-disastrous) weather to bear on an area, given enough time and effort.

The inertia of current weather patterns might levy dice penalties. Making threatening thunderclouds release a downpour might cause no penalty, while turning a bright summer’s day into freezing rain might cause a –3 dice penalty. It takes about five minutes after casting for the storm effects to develop. Major conditions, such as hurricanes or tornadoes, require the Adverse Weather spell.


A frost in late spring, while potentially very destructive to local food production, is not the same sort of thing as a tornado or typhoon, and can be created using this level of Forces.

Free Council Rote: Rainmaker

Long has humanity tried to harness weather to its own ends. A Free Council mage with this rote can call up rain to end a drought, a bit of warmth to break a cold snap, or whatever other non-extreme condition she desires.

Mysterium Rote: Raindance

Mysterium mages use alternate means to control these forces, but accomplish the same ends.

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